Summer Greetings Everyone!

We had marvellous weather for Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa this year. Even though the world seems increasingly crazy right now, our national celebration gives one pause for thought and the thoughts lead to gratitude that we live in a wonderful country!

This interesting statement by author Brene Brown also gives pause for thought. "Joy comes to us in moments - ordinary moments. We risk missing out on joy when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary". In the times we are living through, we creative people can find joy in creating something beautiful. Making time each day to work on our art can be rewarding on many fronts. Creating someting beautiful can give us a sense of accomplishment and bring peace and joy to our own spaces. Hopefully there is a ripple effect into the world around us.

A key ingredient to beading creativity is colour. We get many moments of joy from looking at the colour combinations our customers put together. We all have our own unique colour palette and it is fun sometimes to try something different. Ask yourself "What would happen if..." if you are in a rut. There will probably be some things that don't work but shifting your perspective can get your brain thinking in different ways and invariably lead to something successful!

We each hope that you will have many moments of joy in July!

Very best wishes,

Meredith, Brent and Carrie